Security Information

Security Info

How We Protect Your Information

Novation Financial is committed to providing you with a secure Online Banking experience. We protect the privacy and the confidentiality of the communications between your browser and our servers with state-of-the-art encryption programs. We verify that only authorized persons are allowed to access Online Banking. To guard against unauthorized access, we isolate our computer networks from the Internet.

For extra protection against fraud and identity theft, we provide Enhanced Log-in Security. Once you’ve established your personal password, this superior technology protects your identity from whatever computer you’re using - at home, at the office, or on the go. It identifies you as the true “owner” of your accounts by recognizing not only your password, but your computer as well. If the computer you’re using isn’t recognized by us – e.g., you’ve logged in from a public computer or one you haven’t used before – we’ll ask you “challenge questions” as an additional line of defense to prevent unauthorized access. We also use “time-outs” to close out the program when not in use. This protects against unauthorized access in the event you’ve logged in, but have stepped away or forgotten to log out.

While occasionally the credit union will contact our members by phone, we do not typically solicit business this way. If you are ever in doubt of a communication’s validity, contact us directly at (800) 369-6628.

Security Tips

How to Protect Yourself Online

To protect yourself, there are many steps that you as a user can take to ensure your personal information remains secure and private:
Use a browser that utilizes 128-bit encryption.
Keep your password confidential. Do not tell your password to anyone and do not write it down.
If you use eBranch in a public area, make sure that only you can view the information on the monitor. Ensure that others using the computer after you cannot view your account history by clearing the cache on the computer after signing off of eBranch.
Keep any printed account information in a secure location.
If you feel your password has been compromised, change it immediately by clicking on the "More" button in Online Banking and then clicking on "Change Password".
Contact the Credit Union immediately if fraudulent activity is suspected.
Whenever possible, insist that merchants check your I.D. and NEVER give out your personal account information over the phone or Internet.

Recent Alerts

We are dedicated to providing you with the tools and information to keep your finances safe and secure. Below are security alerts relating to identity theft, Internet fraud, phone scams and new security features that have been implemented at your credit union.

There are currently no security alerts specifically for Novation Financial. Should one occur, it will be posted here.