Novation Foundation 2025 Fundraising Event


Inaugural Fundraiser at Smash Park

We are excited to hold our Inaugural Novation Foundation Fundraising Event on Thursday, April 10, 2025. Please join us at Smash Park in Roseville, MN for a fun-filled day, which includes a Pickleball Tournament, Axe Throwing, Duckpin Bowling, Raffles, live streaming of the Masters golf tournament, and much more!

All funds raised at this event will go to the Novation Foundation to help support financial wellness in our community. Hope to see you there!

Registration is $100 per person and includes access to all activities, lunch, and two drink tickets. Please fill out the registration form to the right by March 14, 2025. 

Pickleball Tournament

You can enter the Pickleball Tournament as a Team or Individual. Individuals will be paired with a partner based on the skill level checked on the registration.

The tournament will be double elimination; each team will play at least two games.

Event Details


Date: Thursday, April 10, 2025
Location: Smash Park
1721 County Rd C West
Roseville, MN 55113
11:00 a.m. Registration
11:30 a.m. Access to ALL Activities, Pickleball Tournament Begins
12 – 2 p.m. Lunch Buffet
3:30 p.m. Awards & Raffle Winner Announcements

Fundraiser Registration Form

Registration Options:
Individual Registration (NOT Playing Pickleball)
Individual Registration (Playing Pickleball)
Team Registration (2 Individuals Playing Pickleball)
Pickleball Skill Level:
Individual First Name:
Individual Last Name:
Business Name:
Email Address:
Teammate First Name:
Teammate Last Name:
Teammate Email:


Thank you to our sponsors for helping make this event possible:


 Fundraiser Sponsorship Opportunities

The Novation Foundation is holding our inaugural fundraising event this spring. We are seeking sponsors to help make this a successful event to support our mission of helping organizations focused on enhancing financial literacy and wellness in the communities we serve. Your support as a valued business partner will be appreciated. Sponsorship opportunities are as follows:

1. Complete the registration form (button above)

2. Mail the registration form with a check to Novation Foundation: 500 Imperial Ave N, Oakdale, MN 55128

3. If you prefer to pay by credit card, please choose the sponsorship level below and add to cart. 

Platinum - $2,500
Gold - $1,500
Lunch - $2,500
Beverage - $1,000

Registration to attend the fundraiser will be coming soon. 

The Novation Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported by the donations of employees, members, and others interested in financial literacy and wellness. Donations are tax deductible (consult your tax advisor).